Create confidence + clarity in who you are, what you want, and what’s truly possible for you.

so you can enjoy the life + biz of your dreams.










Stop coasting as the watered-down version of yourself.

Raise your hand if you’re exhausted because you:

a) don’t know who you are,
b) feel like you’re too much,
c) feel like you’re not enough,
d) aren’t confident in yourself,
e) don’t like who you’ve become, or
f) all of the above.

I feel you because I’ve been there. So many others have too. And just like Society members who have come to this stuck spot before you, this doesn’t have to be your story anymore.

Welcome to the place where you become your favorite version of yourself.

The version who knows your worth, doesn’t second-guess yourself, and makes an impact in the world.

Full transparency: This isn’t the same as therapy (although we do sometimes cry). It’s not your grandma’s knitting club, but we still show up for each other with the same intensity. And it’s definitely not the same shallow chat you get with your brunch friends... But maybe you should invite them to join you here too.

“Being in CCS is like having a secret, exclusive friend group of people who hype each other up, learn and play together.”

– Society Member

The Creating Confidence Society is a community-centered personal development membership that fuels your professional growth.

Let this be the support you need to lay to rest (in peace, of course) the old version of you that’s no longer serving you. Instead, we’ll learn and implement strategies for self-assurance so you can become your favorite self.

  • Accelerate your business. You’re doing all the things you’re “supposed” to be doing, aren’t you? It’s time to actually discover your purpose and make moves that are fulfilling, rewarding, and aligned in your career. Make a bigger impact, do work that feels good, and set your goals higher… in a healthy, balanced way that doesn’t lead to burnout.

  • Quit self-doubt cold-turkey. Ditch your inner critic, people pleasing tendencies, and personal disappointment. You are not an imposter and you deserve every ounce of your achievements (but you’re also worth more than the certifications you collect).

  • Speak up for yourself. Find the confidence to say “Respectfully, No” to anything that doesn’t align instead of your chronic obligation to the 3-letter word that instantly queues resentment and grudges… Ahem, “Yes.”

  • Stop procrastinating. You are good enough, smart enough, insert-your-thing-here-enough to chase your dreams. Stop hiding and make yourself a priority.

  • Get over your fears. Perfectionism isn’t a badge of honor, and you’re a human who’s allowed to (and going to) fail sometimes. No one’s judging you for it, but even if they were… that’s on them.

It’s time to love and embrace the real you.

It’s time to step into your main character energy, isn’t it?

“The Society makes me feel seen, heard, and included as my true self in a world that wants me to hide who I really am.”

– Society Member

Members literally change their lives by following my proprietary method…

When you approach personal development from an intentional perspective, you allow yourself to grow professionally, too. So many members don’t just want to feel better for and about themselves—they want to make an impact. They want to build businesses and follow career paths that are rewarding, motivating, and actually make a difference in the world.

Professionally, members have done magical things like…

  • Publish best-selling books.

  • Start the side hustle.

  • Raise rates with confidence.

  • Land dream promotions.

  • Create multi-figure online courses.

  • Scale the business.

  • 2x, 3x, and 4x income.

  • Book speaking gigs.

  • … And so much more!

And it’s because they do the work personally to get there like…

  • Realize their self-worth.

  • Overcome imposter syndrome.

  • Learn to show up authentically.

  • Set and stick to badass boundaries.

  • Choose to fall in self-love.

  • Ditch perfectionism and people pleasing.

  • Repair relationships—including the one with themselves.

  • Expand their comfort zone.

Come out of hiding, own your weird, and step into your

Main Character Energy!

The kind of energy that feels 100% like you—even if you don’t really know who you are yet, you do know you don’t want to be someone else (because it’s literally so exhausting, isn’t it?). You’re craving joy and meaning in your every day. You’re ready to embrace progress over perfection.

You just aren’t quite sure how to figure all that out on your own.


Forget small talk. The people inside the Society are a different breed than your average brunch friends—we go deep and get real about the things that would be considered off limits over fried chicken and waffles. We also love our live coaching calls, weekly affirmations, group celebrations, and book recommendations.

Private Community

We connect via a community dashboard (not hosted on social media) between our scheduled live sessions. This is where you get to make legitimate online besties, minus the Instagram doom scroll because it’s not on a Meta platform.

Resource Library

The only thing exclusive about the Society is the supplementary resources, trainings, and perks you get inside. Worksheet downloads, podcasts, guides, and more—accessible only to Society members.

Members-Only Perks

Get access to discounted 1:1 Healing Sessions and Breakthrough Calls. Plus a ton of other special bonus education and resources only currently available to Society members (scroll down to see those!).

Most importantly…

You’ll know that you’re not alone on your journey of pursuing your favorite version of yourself. Imagine receiving unconditional love and support throughout the entire process.

Event Schedule

There’s magic already within you. Through an expertly-curated schedule of exclusive events and supplementary support, the Creating Confidence Society helps you uncover your blindspots, learn long-lasting habits for self love, and make space to prioritize yourself so you can show up confidently in your life and business.

  • These events are the go-tos on your calendar. There’s no pressure to attend everything—show up as much or as little as you need right now.

    ✨ Weekly Affirmation Card Pulls
    ✨ Monthly Live Group Coaching Session
    ✨ Monthly New Moon Reset
    ✨ Quarterly Speed Dating
    ✨ Quarterly Book Club

  • These additions to our schedule keep things fun and exciting. Think fresh ideas, deeper dives into different perspectives, and a little woo added into the mix.

    ✨ Guest Expert Trainings
    ✨ EFT Healing Sessions
    ✨ Group Hypnosis
    ✨ Breathwork Sessions
    ✨ Virtual Coworking
    ✨ …and more!

  • Meet the community LIVE at the Yearly Retreat in Kansas City (night one at my house!).

You’re ready to show up authentically as the real you—not the watered-down version you’ve felt like you had to be to fit in.

The result from doing the above? You’ll learn to love yourself. This is the plot twist in your story (the one that I totally saw coming) where you finally feel like you’re worthy—you are enough. No more hiding your gifts. No more holding back for fear of what people will say.

It’s your time to shine, isn’t it?

You’re not alone in your struggles.

“The trainings are always relevant and informative and the group coaching calls are like the glue that holds my month together. Because chances are, if someone else needs some support on boundaries or people pleasing or second-guessing themselves, I’m probably going to need that advice too.”

– Society Member

Oh hey. I’m Megan Reed.


I’m also a reiki master, subconscious mind whisperer, serial entrepreneur, and founder of Creating Confidence®. I’m positive my purpose is to help people like you show up authentically, set badass boundaries, release people-pleasing, and ditch your inner critic so you can go after what you truly want in life and business… With confidence and clarity you never imagined possible.

When you join the Society today—I’ll be one (of many) you can count on to support you on your journey!

This community is for you.

You, the one who always puts everyone else first.

You, the one working a full-time job and then going home to work on your passion projects.

You, the business owner struggling with imposter syndrome.

You, the one overwhelmed and burnt out from overcommitting to shit you don't care about.

You, the one craving meaningful conversations with other people like you.

You, the one who wishes you were better about saying no and standing up for yourself.

You, the one feeling like there’s got to be more to life than just getting through the day.

You, the one longing for a deeper love and understanding of who you are.

You, the one looking for a community of people who just *get* it.

We can't wait to meet the real you.

Special bonuses reserved only for Society members…


Monthly Membership Perks

$99 / month

Opt into the Society and cancel anytime with a month-by-month membership. You get immediate access to all the core content, workshops, coaching, and these bonuses…

Tapping (EFT) for Better Boundaries

$47 value

Let's ditch the anxiety and stress around setting boundaries. Tapping is an active way to move energy and completely change the way you feel—in a matter of minutes!

The Confidence Roadmap

$97 value

A three-part mini course designed to guide you to your dream destination so you can uncover who you really are, create dreamy versions of yourself, and build sustainable habits to get to your destination *without* running out of gas.


Annual Membership Perks

$997 / year

If you choose an annual membership, you get all of the above, plus 2 months free. And extra credit for committing to show up for yourself for the next year.

Creating Confidence® Course

$897 value

Self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-expression team up inside eight video modules designed to help you discover the magic of who you truly are so you can be unapologetically, authentically, and creatively yourself. Workbooks, affirmations, and bonuses included.

Badass Boundaries Blueprint

$497 value

Stop saying yes when you want to say no. Learn how to protect your peace, ditch your inner people pleaser, and communicate badass boundaries inside nine video modules. Workbooks and affirmations included.


  • You’re going to get out of this what you put into it. This group is for those committed to their personal growth. Or at least willing to ask for support, receive coaching, and hear feedback. Don’t join this membership and expect your life to just automatically change. You’ve gotta engage and take the time to show up for yourself outside of our live sessions.

    Everyone is different, but Society members who join and truly commit to themselves start seeing changes within a few weeks.

  • The Society is a subscription service—basically like Netflix or a CrossFit membership (except WAY more fun). Auto payments are made monthly or yearly based on your preference until you cancel your membership.

    You can opt for a month-to-month plan at $99 per month or a yearly plan at $997 per year. The annual subscription gives you a couple months free and access to extra bonuses. You can choose whichever makes sense for you!

  • Nope! The topics, healing, transformation, and community inside The Creating Confidence Society are applicable to everyone––no matter your career or place in life. While my audience is mostly business owners, these principles also apply to all working professionals who want to round out their purpose, sense of self, and relationships.

  • No worries! While the coaching calls and virtual events are a cornerstone of the membership, they are just one piece of the puzzle. There are many other opportunities for you to connect with other members, even if you cannot attend the live calls.

    While we fuckin' LOVE seeing community members connect with one another, the true connection we’re fostering in this membership is the connection with yourself. If the live schedule doesn’t work for you, you can still make a commitment to participate on your own time. Event recordings will be available for you to watch at your convenience for up to 60 days.

  • Take or leave what you need. You get to take charge and curate your experience inside the Society to be the support you’ve been missing in your life and business.

  • Absolutely! Anyone with access to the internet is welcome to join us inside.

  • Nope! (Breathes sigh of relief.) The Society is hosted on a private app that prioritizes creating space for active, engaging connections. This is an opportunity to get away from the distractions and social media doom scroll so you can focus your precious time on interacting with a supportive and aligned community.

  • The community app is also where all the content and replays each month are stored so you have only one place to go for everything you need: Zoom access, message threads, events schedule, bonus resources, and more.

  • Yes! We record every call, so when you have a wild breakthrough, want to revisit a journaling prompt or guided meditation, or simply missed the live call you can totally catch up! Replays are available for 60 days.

  • Nope! The Creating Confidence Society Membership is a rolling subscription. Once you join, you’re one of us until you cancel your membership. Your membership is automatically renewed every month if you selected "monthly" when you signed up or every year if you selected "yearly" when you signed up.

  • When you join, you’re automatically locking in your membership at the current monthly rate. Your monthly “dues” will never increase so long as your membership is active.

  • All Society membership sales are final due to the digital nature of the membership. We do not offer refunds for membership payments.

  • We encourage giving the Society a solid three months before so you can get an accurate feel for the community, but we know sometimes life happens and you have to make a hard decision. There are instructions on how to cancel your membership inside the app.

    Note: Your monthly rate will no longer be locked in if you choose to re-join at a later date and the price has increased. Your membership access will be revoked at the end of your current billing cycle, and you will no longer be able to access members-only areas of the Society.

  • Send an email to

There’s a reason you’re all the way down here at the bottom.

All you have to do is say yes.