My clients call me a catalyst

Don’t let the sparkles fool you, I’m here to light a fire under your ass.

Oh hey. It’s me, Megan Reed.

For a long time, I never really felt like I fit in anywhere.

(But how can you truly belong somewhere if no one knows the real you?)

Oof. How’s that for a perspective shift?

When I began to embrace my Main Character Energy and started showing up authentically, I quickly noticed how much easier it was to simply be myself. That people liked me, for me. (And not the version of me I was pretending to be to fit in.)

It feels amazing to be the Main Character in my story.

That means no more wasting time on things like…

people pleasing

analysis paralysis

negative self talk

imposter syndrome




My clients are here to be the main character, too.

My clients are achievers who hold themselves to the highest standards with a passion for helping make the world a better place. They're here to make an impact and they want to do it in a way that feels good and authentic to them. They struggle to make time for themselves because a past (or current) version of themselves believed their worth was directly tied to their productivity. They can’t celebrate their wins because once they achieve something, they're onto the next thing. They're curious and open to the "woo" energetic side of healing and transformation, willing to look within for some of the answers, and enjoy letting out a lil' cuss word here and there for shits and giggles.

Sound like you?

I thought so.

Gain clarity + confidence beyond your wildest dreams.

I’m a mom, wife, comedian, writer, creative spirit, heart-centered entrepreneur, intuitive energy healer, backyard chicken farmer, and crystal-loving soul.

As the founder of The Creating Confidence® Society, award-winning coach behind the Badass Boundaries Blueprint, and Amazon best-selling author of Main Character Energy, I’m here to help you finally learn and develop confidence-building habits and strategies, so you can show up as your most authentic, purposeful self.

You deserve to discover the magic of who you truly are, so you can ditch your inner critic. You are ready and able to get out of your own way and unapologetically pursue your wildest dreams—whatever they may be.

They don’t teach this stuff in school.

Let’s have some fun, what do you say?

I’m a firm believer that personal development should be fun.

Because when you have fun, you go faster.



Top Female Business Coach

in 2023 by CoachFoundation

Top Self-Love and Confidence Coach to Watch

in 2021 by Influencive Magazine

I’m not a regular coach.
I’m a cool coach.

Because you should vibe with the person you’re working with, let’s get a little personal. I’m an enneagram type one, Leo sun, INFJ, and human design generator. (Hellooo recovering people pleaser, perfectionist, and overachiever.)

In my free time, you can catch me doing things like gardening, charging my crystals barefoot in the moonlight, canning anything that sounds tasty, trying new gluten free/dairy free sourdough recipes, CrossFitting, or hanging out in nature with my lil’ family and twelve chickens.

Here’s how you can work with me:

Get a f*ck ton of wisdom in a fun-meets-tough-love read.

Change your mindset and your LIFE with the Amazon best-seller, Main Character Energy.

Raw, real-life stories that make you laugh and cry. Empowering self-reflection questions. Enlightening exercises to finally figure out who the F you came here to be—and Do The Thing. This book is where you start your confidence-building journey, and learn to love yourself and your life more than you ever imagined possible.

What’s REALLY holding you back?

Take the quiz to find out.

A 2-minute quiz to help you uncover where you’ve been secretly holding yourself back—as told by your favorite pop-culture television characters (because that makes this tough love fun).