Unleash your most confident self.

Life coaching for professionals and creative business owners.

If you’re looking for no bullshit transformational growth, clarity, and subconscious healing mixed with strategy, tough love, and accountability, you’re in the right place.

Stop coasting as the watered-down version of yourself.

Raise your hand if you’re exhausted because you:

a) don’t know who you are,
b) feel like you’re too much,
c) feel like you’re not enough,
d) aren’t confident in yourself,
e) don’t like who you’ve become, or
f) all of the above.

I feel you because I’ve been there. So many others have too. And just like my clients who have come to this stuck spot before you, this doesn’t have to be your story anymore.

Come out of hiding, own your weird, and step into your

Main Character Energy!

The kind of energy that feels 100% like you—even if you don’t really know who you are yet, you do know you don’t want to be someone else. You’re craving joy and meaning in your every day. You’re ready to embrace progress over perfection.

You just aren’t quite sure how to figure all that out on your own.

Oh hey, I’m Megan Reed.

You probably know a bit about me already since you’ve clicked your way here, but let’s get a few things clear about what it’s like to work together: I’m not your average life coach. On top of mindset master and badass boundaries extraordinaire, I’m a subconscious mind whisperer and intuitive energy healer with the expertise and experience to support your radical transformation. I’m pretty chill, but your sessions will leave you shook (in the best way).

The Creating Confidence® Method

Together, we’ll release old stories that no longer serve you, rewrite limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and quantum-leap forward inside the three Creating Confidence® Method categories during your 1:1 coaching calls.

You could realize new perspectives that set you free.

“Megan’s framework and thoughtful questions made me see that it is within each of ourselves to change, not with anyone else. I’m now at the point where I realize that I’m not hurting people by asking for what I need, and that has made me realize how much turmoil I create just within myself without anybody else even around.

If you’re feeling a little lost or like you don’t know your direction or how to be happier or have more intention in your life—this would be so helpful to you. Thank you, Megan!”

—  Jen K





My clients literally change their lives by following my proprietary method…

When you approach personal development from an intentional perspective, you allow yourself to grow professionally too. So many of my clients don’t just want to feel better for and about themselves—they want to make an impact. They want to build businesses and follow career paths that are rewarding, motivating, and actually make a difference in the world.

Professionally, my clients have done magical things like…

  • Start the side hustle.

  • Raise rates with confidence.

  • Land dream promotions.

  • Create multi-figure online courses.

  • Scale the business.

  • 2x, 3x, and 4x income.

  • Book speaking gigs.

  • … And so much more!

And it’s because they do the work personally to get there like…

  • Realize their self-worth.

  • Learn to show up authentically.

  • Set and stick to badass boundaries.

  • Choose to fall in self-love.

  • Ditch perfectionism and people pleasing.

  • Repair relationships—including the one with themselves.

  • Expand their comfort zone.

What would be possible for you if you had more clarity + confidence?

Only you know the answer to that… although I’ll ask you to share in your application. Given the limited availability and intimate nature of this type of agreement, 1:1 coaching is by application only. Accepted applicants will be invited to connect via Zoom to ensure this is a good fit for both of us.

“She holds space for you like no one’s ever held space for you…”

Heal your past so you can finally move forward.

Press play to hear how working together transformed Madelyn’s life

How does coaching work?

I’m glad you asked.

1:1 coaching agreements start with a 6-month commitment. Together, we’ll create a personalized plan to facilitate your growth. In general, you can expect weekly coaching calls and as-needed energy healing sessions. All my private clients also get treated to bonus access to all my courses and digital resources, including a membership within the Creating Confidence Society. This is a combination approach to your purposeful personal development, including tailored accountability, wholehearted support, and tough love to keep you grounded in your journey.

I pull from multiple coaching facets to help you heal and grow.

Mindset Mastery

Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re absolutely right. In every session, I’m going to call you out—in the most loving way possible—on the bullshit stories and limiting beliefs holding you back from living the life of your dreams.

Energy Healing

Let’s uncover blocks in your body through emotion code and work to resolve them with reiki healing. Normally these services are booked separately, but private clients are able to incorporate these healing modalities into their sessions with me as needed.

Badass Boundaries

If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. Or maybe a not right now. Around here, we say no to shit that doesn’t align. Together, we’ll unpack where you’ve been acting out of obligation and lean into where that energy could be better spent. (Hint… It’s on YOURSELF.)

“I set a five-year goal and crushed it in one.”

Torey was able to double her business income AND land a career promotion in the same year. Click the video to hear how setting boundaries has changed the game for her.

“I’m uncovering themes lying under the surface.”

Shannon leaves her calls feeling empowered and motivated to take action towards her dreams. Watch her video to hear how she doesn’t let self-doubt hold her back anymore.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Fucking magic, that’s what. 😉 You can expect equal parts coaching, strategy, and healing depending on what you need that day. But it takes two to tango. It’s your responsibility to come to every call prepared, but I’ll provide guidance to help you understand what that looks like.

    Coaching calls can look like: Identifying and rewriting the limiting beliefs keeping you from making progress, strategizing next steps for your life and career, guided meditations and hypnosis, EFT (tapping) and other healing modalities, guided journaling exercises, and reprogramming and healing your subconscious mind.

  • Totally understandable—you want to make empowered financial decisions! Check out The Creating Confidence Society for a low-cost alternative that still provides a safe space for transformation.

  • Full transparency: This shit ain’t for the faint of heart. But you’re gonna love the you on the other side. It’s time to give yourself the attention you’ve been giving everyone else. It’s time to be unapologetic about your passions and the things that light you up. Because time is finite. It is your most precious resource. And you’re done wasting it.

    So yes, working together 1:1 (and working on yourself!) is a commitment. It’s continuous work beyond our sessions together. But it's worth it to prioritize yourself.

  • While there’s definitely some overlap—like, you might cry in both—therapy typically focuses on addressing and healing psychological issues, while coaching is more future-oriented, aiming to enhance personal and professional development through subconscious reprogramming, goal-setting, and habit-building. I’m a big advocate for therapy and recommend that my clients get the professional help they need. My support should be viewed as complementary to, rather than a replacement for therapy.

Don’t be surprised if you get more than you expect from working together.

“Working with Megan was so much more than I expected. I have more confidence, and I’ve learned how to own it instead of questioning it. I learned to see parts of myself that had never been in perspective before.

The way Megan broke it down made it so much easier to think about things, dig deep, and do the work. This is 100 times better than therapy. It’s nowhere near as formal, it’s way more fun, and I have so much more knowledge about myself. If you’re ready to uplevel and invest in yourself, do it! Megan leaves everyone better than she finds them.”

— Mandy D.