Surprising Benefits of Having an Online Community


Why being part of a community is so important

Having an online community can bring a metric shit-ton of joy and happiness into our lives (is that a real measurement?). When we feel like we belong to something bigger than ourselves, it can be a truly fulfilling and uplifting experience.

That’s what we’re all craving, isn’t it?

An online community can provide a sense of belonging and connection that can be comforting, especially in today's world where so many of us are feeling isolated and disconnected. Whether it's through shared interests, hobbies, or simply hanging out with friends on a Zoom call, being part of an online community can bring a sense of purpose and meaning to our lives.

But it's not just about feeling good - a community can also be a source of practical support and assistance. Whether it's helping out with podcast recommendations or offering a virtual shoulder to cry on, having a group of people we can rely on can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

And let's not forget about all the fun we can have… whether it's participating in group calls or simply hanging out and chatting, being part of a society focused on improving themselves and the lives of those around them can add grace, sisterhood, and laughter to our lives.

Why it’s so difficult to find people like you

But let’s face it - finding people that you jive with and actually want to hang out with has been historically challenging, hasn’t it?

There are a number of reasons why it can be difficult to find a community of women like you.

One, is that people have busy schedules and previous commitments (ahem, CHILDREN and CAREERS amirite?!) that may make it tough to devote time to finding the right community for them, no matter how bad they may want and/or need it.

Another reason is that people may be hesitant to put themselves out there and take the risk of joining a new group. This is especially true for those who are shy, introverted, or who have had negative experiences with group dynamics in the past. (I see you nodding your head. I’m totally with you here.)

But lemme tell you… when you find the right group for you, it will feel like the perfect fit and you’ll wonder why you waited so long to take the leap.

Three benefits of joining a community

motivation + Accountability

An important benefit of being part of an online community is the sense of accountability it can provide. When we are part of a crew, we often feel a sense of responsibility to the group and to our fellow members. This can be a powerful motivator to be our best selves and to follow through on our commitments.

Having accountability can help us to stay on track and to make progress towards our big dreams and goals. Whether it's working towards a personal goal, such as exercising regularly, learning a new skill, or contributing to a group project, the support and encouragement of a community can be invaluable.

In addition to providing individual accountability, online communities can also hold their members accountable to shared values and standards. This can help to create a positive and supportive culture within the community.

The sense of accountability that a community provides can be a powerful force for positive change, motivation, and personal growth. Whether it's supporting each other in our individual endeavors or working together towards shared goals, the support and encouragement of a community can be invaluable.

Mental Health

Having a strong sense of community can also have positive impacts on our mental health. Research has shown that people who feel a sense of belonging and connection to others are more likely to have good mental health.

As someone who’s battled depression for more than half of my life, I know firsthand just how impactful an online community that provides a loving network of people to turn to during difficult times can be. In addition, participating in group calls and interacting with others can help to alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, and can provide a sense of purpose and meaning.

Being part of a community can also provide a sense of structure and routine, which can be beneficial for mental health. The sense of belonging and connection that a community provides can also help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

The mental health benefits of being part of a community are numerous and significant. Whether it's through providing support, a sense of belonging, or simply the opportunity to interact with others, the positive impact of a community on mental health should not be underestimated (and is something I am so frickin’ honored to be able to provide inside The Society).

Friendship + Support

Another important benefit of being part of a community of like-minded individuals is the support that it can provide. Whether it's emotional support during difficult times or practical feedback and advice for help with everyday struggles, a community can be a valuable source of support for its members.

Having a supportive group of friends can make a big difference in our lives, especially during times of stress or challenge. When we feel like we have a network of people we can rely on, it can provide a sense of comfort and security.

All in all, the support that an online community provides can be invaluable for its members. Whether it's emotional or practical, the support of friends can make a big difference in our lives and help us to navigate the challenges we face.

Join our community

So if you're feeling a little disconnected from yourself, looking for new friends who just get you, and craving some accountability and motivation, this is your personal invitation to join us inside The Creating Confidence Society––a safe space community membership for women like you to come together, learn about yourself, build self love, heal, grow, and gain the confidence to go after what you truly want in life + business.

The search for the right people is over. They’re here, inside the Society. This membership attracts women who hold themselves to high standards, are willing to get a little weird and vulnerable, and know they were meant for more. We’ve got everyone inside–like designers, virtual assistants, photographers, moms, CEOs, and healthcare professionals (just to name a few).

And there’s room for you, too.

Join us inside the Creating Confidence Society today.


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