2022 Wrapped: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Transformation in Life and Business

It’s that literal same question we ask at the end of every year: where did the time go?

2022 brought its struggles and triumphs for the Reed family and my coaching business, and in honor of transparency and celebration, I wanted to recap the top highlights of the year with you, in as chronological order as my new mom brain will allow. 😅😉



  • To start the year off on an extremely high note, we wrapped up what was probably the most exciting and interesting round of the Creating Confidence™ Group Experience we’ve ever had. The program began in the fall, ran for 12 weeks, and then was unanimously voted to extend another six weeks… TWICE(!) for a total of 24 weeks together. I was pregnant AF and welcomed the extension of coaching calls without having to go through another launch.

  • In February, I was featured in an article for my work creating the Badass Boundaries Blueprint (a self-paced curriculum to help you build better boundaries so you can protect your energy, stand up for yourself, and strengthen relationships).

  • St. Patrick’s Day brought us a real-live human baby. Having a natural unmedicated birth was the most difficult thing I had ever done, but no regrets over here. A woman’s body is so powerful, and I am grateful for the experience. I wrote a blog post on Sonora’s birth story right here.



  • I added two more certifications to my arsenal of coaching tools! In addition to being a Reiki level II energy healer, a certified quantum life and success coach, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) practitioner, and TIME Techniques practitioner, I am now also a certified clinical hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.

  • I took the opportunity to join doTERRA as a brand advocate + consultant. As a new mom––and someone who was already using doTERRA products––it was important to me to begin building another stream of income by simply sharing how I was using the oils in my life and business. (If you’re looking to build another stream of income sharing doTERRA products with the world, or have questions about doing so, let me know! I’m happy to help you get started. If you’re simply looking to purchase some oils, you can shop my link here.)


  • I had my best (and technically my worst) launch for the Creating Confidence™ Group Experience in Q3. By best I mean my sales page was fire, the testimonials were gold, my messaging was on point, my energy was next-level, and I felt really, really good about it. And by worst I mean I had one applicant who was very clearly not a match for the program. Like I tell my clients––there’s no such thing as failure, only lessons––and I knew this was the Universe guiding me towards something else that had been marinating in my heart since the last round of CC had extended so many times. (More to come on this in Q4.)

  • We hosted our Second Annual Stand Up Comedy Show for Charity! With the help of another incredible audience and 30 minutes of laughs, we again raised over $1200 and donated 50% of the proceeds to To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) - a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

  • September brought our second(!) successful round of the Hey Biz Besties Retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona. We refreshed our business marketing and strategies with workshops and brand photoshoots, recharged our batteries with pool time, movie nights + a day trip to Sedona, and built lasting relationships with other business women from across the United States. It was incredibly magical, and we’re on track to host TWO sold-out retreats in Scottsdale + Costa Rica in 2023!

  • I began writing a book! This personal development book is a collection of anecdotes and lessons along my journey to becoming my most confident self. Its equal parts emotional, empowering, and entertaining. The title is still a secret... Can't wait to share with you!


  • Brandon (haaaave you met my husband?) and I hosted an Instagram Reels workshop together, and it was a ton of fun. Together we shared the ins and outs of Reels creation, what makes a good reel (and a bad one), live-audited some IG Reels, and shared our own individual processes for creating Reels. (Sad you missed it? I hear ya. Here’s the good news… you can simply purchase the replay here.)

  • In November we officially launched The Creating Confidence™ Society!! The Society is a membership for women to come together, learn about themselves, build self love, heal, grow, and gain the confidence to go after what they truly want in life + business. We welcomed 17 founding members during the first month and we’re not stopping any time soon. Join us inside, won’t you?

  • My Biz Bestie, Taylor Thompson, and I had so many questions over the past couple years about hosting retreats that we put together the Plan Your 2023 Retreat Workshop: a three-part workshop to help you plan your in-person experience so you can make a deeper impact in the world (while also making a profit!). While the live portion of the workshop is over, you can purchase the replays and access all of the incredible bonus resources––think a retreat master spreadsheet, email swipe copy, sponsor request templates, canva templates, and more!––just by clicking right here.


I birthed one baby, completed two additional certifications, took three months off work, gave 16 presentations, cried 216 times, edited more than 6000 photos for the Hey Biz Besties Retreat, wrote 15,846 words in my book, and worked with 30 dream clients.


I’m so grateful for this whirlwind of a year, and looking forward to moving into 2023 with intention. I’m releasing all expectations, and allowing abundance and joy to find me with ease.

If you were a client of mine in 2022, thank you and I love you. ❤️

If you’re looking forward to working with me in 2023, send me an email today! I’m only opening EIGHT new 1:1 coaching spots and three of them are already taken!



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